Character size change

Character sizes in these Website can be changed by change of the general character size of the Browsers. The for this necessary steps vary in the different Browsern.

You find following to instructions, how you can change character size in the most common Browsern:

Internet Explorer

  • Click on ' opinion '

  • To selecting it ' text size '. They get a selection with five options: Very largely, large, means, small, very small.

  • Select character size optimal for you. The text of the current side and all following pages is changed in accordance with your selection.

 [ STRG mouse wheel ] and decreases character size increases

Mozilla Firefox

  • Click on ' opinion '

  • To selecting it ' type size '. They get a selection with three options: increase, make smaller, normal.

  • Select character size optimal for you. The text of the current side and all following pages is changed in accordance with your selection.

[ STRG + ] character size
[ STRG - ] increases decreases character size
[ STRG 0 ] sets character size on normal

Netscape Navigator

  • Click on ' announcements '

  • To selecting it ' text zoom shot '. They get a selection with two relative options, small or large and a set of per cent (50% to 200%).

  • Select character size optimal for you. The text of the current side and all following pages is changed in accordance with your selection.

[ STRG + ] character size
[ STRG - ] increases decreases character size
[ STRG 0 ] sets character size on originalgroesse (100 %)


  • Click on ' opinion '

  • To selecting it ' zoom shot factor '. They get a selection with different options.

  • Select the zoom shot factor optimal for you. Note: Opera changes all ranges of the Website inclusive pictures, tables etc..

[ + ] increases the zoom shot factor by 10 %
[ - ] decreases the zoom shot factor by 10 %
[ STRG + ] increases the zoom shot factor by 100 %
[ STRG - ] decreases the zoom shot factor by 100 %
[ * ] sets the zoom shot factor to 100 %

Some Browser store the above attitudes, some keep them only for the current meeting. If you want to change character size only for this Website, use the selection "character size change", which we offer within the highest range of our Website.

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